Friday, April 5, 2013

Illusion of Space and Motion Assignment

Illusionistic Space: I've chosen the following three examples to show the devices of exaggerated space, aerial perspective and linear perspective to show the illusion of space.

Exaggerated Space: The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman movie poster shows the contrast              between "normal" sized people and the 50 foot woman.

Aerial Perspective: I've chosen a part of the opening scene of the musical The Sound of Music to give a sense of aerial perspective.The grayscale image does a nice job of contrasting the point of emphasis, Maria, with the background which gives the aerial perspective.

Linear Perspective: I've used a poster from the movie The Vanishing Point to show linear perspective. All the space is coming from a singular point on the horizon above the mountains in the center of the picture.

Illusionistic Motion: I've chosen the following three examples to show the devices of anticipated motion, figure repeated and blurred outlines to show the illusion of motion.

Anticipated Motion: Here is a shot from Star Trek showing the Enterprise entering what could be warp factor 1. The anticipated motion is shown by the stars.

Figure Repeated: This scene from the movie The Last Samuri shows a line of soldiers each holding a bow and getting ready to shoot. Each figure is similar except that as you progress down the line the figures decrease in size and the bows are raised higher. This also shows linear perspective.

Blurred Outlines: I chose a picture of a hummingbird in flight to show an example of blurred outlines. The hummingbird's wings move so fast  when in flight that all we can see is an outline of the wings.

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