Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rhythm Assignment

For the rhythm assignment this week I've chosen the sense of sound. The words I've used to describe sound are "clear", "loud" or "forte", "soft" or "piano", and "distorted".

The recurring theme throughout the five designs is repeating waveform of a cello note. The first piece shows a clear cello note waveform. The pattern is shown repeated only three times here as a sound. There is a built in rhythm pattern to musical notes as the pattern repeats until the sound dies out. The white background is intended to show a pure, clear sound.

Piece number two is called "loud" or "forte". I've taken the same waveform and greatly increased the amplitude which is what happens when sound gets louder. I've applied a Photoshop fine dot Mezzotint filter to show more sound energy. The background has a linear gradient overlay from white to red to show high kinesthetic empathy and intensity.

Piece number three is called "soft" or "piano".  The same waveform is reduced in amplitude compared to the top piece. Once again, quiet sounds show the same pattern but much less amplitude. I've used a few soft colors of the rainbow spectrum and applied them to a linear gradient at an angle to simulate a partial rainbow background to generate a softer kinesthetic empathy.

Piece number four is called "distortion" . Distortion is caused by overdriving a sound wave. I've taken the clear cello sound wave and applied a ripple filter to give the jagged, less defined shape that would be seen when distortion occurs. The black background gives a dark and sinister kind of kinesthetic empathy associated with heavy metal music. 

Piece number five combines progressive and alternating rhythm. The progressive rhythm is found in the recurring pattern of the repeating waveform. The alternating rhythm is found in the background. I've used variations of the gradient to show the left and right side coming towards the viewer. The center section goes away from the viewer. I've also tried to vary the waveforms to follow this contour. The largest sections would be in the lighter part of the gradient while the smaller section is in the dark section. The idea was to create motion by following the alternating rhythm of the background.



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