Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Emphasis and Focal Point Assignment

Emphasis By Contrast:
Here is an example of emphasis by contrast and is similar to the textbook example on page 58. There are in essence two focal points defined by the black and white striped pattern on the hat and bag. It's interesting how the black stripes stand out when compared to the dark background. The white stripes also stand out much more than the jacket.

Emphasis By Isolation:
This is an example that incorporates a few of the emphasis and focal point topics. I am choosing to see this picture as creating a focal point by isolation. The painting called Nighthawks by Edward Hopper shows a dark and lonely street corner. Inside the diner are four people that are the subject of the painting. All the other parts of the painting fade into the background as we focus on the scene inside the diner.

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper 1942 Oil on Canvas

Emphasis by Placement:
Once again I've chosen a painting by Edward Hopper to demonstrate the creating of a focal point through placement. The painting shows a scene of a house with a line of trees in the background. The house, grass and trees are well lit. The window section of the house is shown to be shaded but the sunlight is illuminating the inside of the room. The focal point to me is the illuminated lady inside the room. With out the figure of the lady placed in the window I don't feel that there would be a focal point to the painting.     

Cape Cod Morning by Edward Hopper 1950

Emphasis By One Element:
This is an example I found on Google Images of a one element, dominant focal point. Although the berry is in fact small in size all the focus is centered on it. I find it interesting that there is a very shallow depth of field which allows the background to fade and contributes to the strong focus on the berry.

Google Images

 Absence of Focal Point:
Here is my final example of this assignment showing the absence of a focal point. In my opinion non-representational art portrays this idea very well. As I look at this painting by Jackson Pollock there is nothing specific that jumps out as a focal point. The painting is a complete mix of lines and swirls of various colors without a clear subject to focus on. 

Jackson Pollock

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